Arts Society King (ASK) is a not-for-profit volunteer organization established in 2005. ASK’s office and gallery space is located in the King Heritage and Cultural Centre in King City.
Vision: Enriching King Township through arts and culture for all.
Mission: Arts Society King promotes, supports and advocates for arts and culture through effective partnerships and innovative events and programs.
Our donors are a diverse mix of private citizens and businesses and members are primarily artists. Citizens choose to support ASK initiatives and artists join to gain valuable exposure and opportunities. Donations and membership both support cultural activities in King Township.
One of Arts Society King’s most effective partnerships is with King Township (KT) who has recognized the boundless value of arts and culture within our community. King Township has acknowledged ASK as an important contributor of cultural experiences that help maintain and fulfill King’s socio-cultural identity.
Arts Society King events, programs and services include:
- International Women’s Day Exhibit
- MOSAiC Magazine
- Mayor’s Celebration of Youth Arts
- Art Lab Workshop Series
- Timeless Tales 3 All Ages Writing Contest
- Across the Rainbow’s Arc Poetry and Art Exhibit
- Studio Tour King
- Spring Blooms Pop-Up Art Show and Sale
- Pride Art Exhibit – You Do You
- Schomberg Garden Tour with Artists in the Garden
- Schomberg Street Gallery
- Autumn Reflections En Plein Air Competition
- Artist opportunities and exhibitions
- Advocacy for arts and culture
- Gallery exchanges

ASK collaborates with community partners to foster spirit and support of each others initiatives. Some include the King Heritage and Cultural Centre, KT Public Library, KT Historical Society, Kingcrafts Studio, York Region Arts Council, local schools, McMichael Canadian Art Collection and Cold Creek Conservation.