Come, reflect on the glory of Nature in the company of poets as you enjoy a classic picnic lunch accompanied by poetry readings, then explore the beautiful Kingbridge grounds. Discover and experience the inspiration for your favourite haikus. All ages welcome.
Tickets: events@kingbridgecentre.com
Kingbridge: 905-833-6529
Event Details
Saturday, July 8 11:00 – 3:00
As visitors enjoy a classic picnic lunch in the garden, poets* will read original works devoted to Nature, and any haiku inspired by their surroundings, composed on site earlier. Haiku is one of the world’s great poetic forms, honouring nature and the seasons, without rhyme and disciplined by a form of 5-7-5 syllables in three lines. Here is a fine example by Hokusai, a student of Basho, most famed poet of Japan:
I write, erase, rewrite
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms.
Visitors are invited to take any of the haiku along on a ramble around Kingbridge and locate the inspiration for the poem, then gather over dessert to share their impressions. All ages welcome.
*BYO blankets or folding chairs. In case of rain, the picnic will move indoors to the Garden Rooms.
Picnic lunch is $25 per person
Visitors, please pre-register with events@kingbridgecentre.com
12750 Jane Street, King City, ON L7B 1A3
*Poets, please sign up with Dorita at doritapeer@bell.net