Arts Society King is pleased to present it’s second annual
Autumn Reflections En Plein Air,
the contest.
With Adjudication and Commentary by
Michele Van Maurik
Member of the Canadian Delegation to the Société des Beaux Arts, Louvre.
Awarded a Vermeil Medal from the Paris Academy.
Prizes in Seven Categories:
Best in Show
Best Natural Feature
Best Architectural Feature
Best Human Interest
Most Original
Best Artist Under 18
Honourable Mentions X3
You are invited to submit new work produced outdoors on site at any King Township location between September 25 and October 16. Awards October 16th at Cold Creek Conservation, the pavilion, 14125 11th Concession, Nobleton, Ontario.
October 16th Important Times
1:00 pm Artist arrival and set up
2:00 pm Public arrival and mixer
2:30 pm Adjudication and Awards
4:00 pm Wrap up
This En Plein Air contest is sponsored by Joe Saraceni of Re/Max Realty
- All entries must be new work produced after the contest opens on September 25th and completed by the closing date of October 16th, 2021.
- All artwork must be produced outdoors and on site in any King Township location (but may be completed in studio).
- The artist must be present for adjudication and awards event with their artwork on display (BYO easel).
- Current Covid protocol must be followed TBA.
- Awards location may change according to protocol availability.
- Artists are encouraged to bring their promotional hand-outs for the Awards event. Artwork will be judged on its own merit (Bio will not be available to the judge during adjudications, and is intended for audience interest only).
- Open to all artists. ASK artists: $28.25 entry fee. Other artists: $39.55
Best in Show – $200
Best Natural Subject – $100
Best Architectural Subject – $100
Most Original – $100
Best Human Interest – $100
Best Under 18 – $100
3 Honourable Mentions – $50 each
By entering this contest the artist gives permission to Arts Society King to promote the artist and their work through traditional and social media platforms. Credit will always be given to the artist.
Participating Artists & Winners

Honorable Mention #3
Irina Grobman
Irina Grobman is an award winning artist currently residing in Richmond Hill, ON. Irina came to Canada from Ukraine in 1999, fell in love with the country and is very happy to call it home ever since. She is proud to have been featured in a number of juried shows and having won multiple awards. Irina paints predominantly in oil, and her interests are in portraiture, landscapes and cityscapes. She also enjoys watercolors for the figure base works.

Honorable Mention #2
Grace Downer
Plein air and studio artist. I enjoy painting landscapes and cityscapes and my style can be described as Representational with some Impressionism. I have participated in several competitions and presently I am one of 80 artists selected by the McMichael Canadian Art Collection’s plein air competition in Kleinberg. I accept landscape commissions.

Honorable Mention #1
Oksana Baczynsky
The world is a harsh place. News assaults us constantly with painful reminders of the ugliness surrounding us. My response: is to search out the beauty that surrounds us, and capture it in paint. When I create art, it fulfills the needs of my soul. In sharing my art I hope to provide the same spiritual peace for my viewers. The beauty and majesty of the Canadian landscape is the single greatest inspiration for my art. For me, the grandeur of our country constantly nourishes a great love, awe and inspiration, untainted by the harshness I hear and see every day.
The media that I use are primarily transparent watercolour and acrylic. Watercolour provides the luminosity of colours and ethereal quality that I use to capture the mood of a scene, the essence of a flower, or the mystery of a figure. To convey the more rugged aspects of the Canadian landscape I often turn to acrylics for their solid textural aspect and boldness.

Best Human Interest
Caterina Liberatore
A background in fine arts with some graphic design experiences can lend significant skills to any artist who develops an interest in painting. Caterina’s inspiration was owed to years of admiring the Group of Seven. Acrylics, pastels and watercolour are her current mediums of choice.

Most Original
Karen L. Bowen
Karen L Bowen is a King Township artist, painting \’Canada\’s Countryside and Shorelines\’, oil on canvas. Her signature \’mosaic\’ style captures the contours and the light that connect the heart and mind with natural scenes around us. Karen\’s work has won several awards and has been featured in many juried shows, Gallery exhibits and in the March 2021 issue of Arabella Magazine. Karen was a top-ten seller at the McMichael Fall Sale 2019. See her website gallery, and visit her studios in Newmarket or Midland, Ontario.

Best Architectural Feature
Joe Trimmeliti
Joe Trimmeliti is a graphic designer by profession who lives in King City. He is a nature lover and outdoor enthusiast. As a member of King Crafts Studio he enjoys painting in a variety of media.

Best Natural Feature
Donna Greenstein
Donna loves animals. She grew up helping in her dad’s animal hospital tending pets. Horses and dogs were her art subjects from the time she was young and Donna spent all the money she earned from babysitting to go to horse stables on weekends. In 1974 Donna and her husband moved to their 50 acre organic cow-calf farm south of Schomberg, Ontario. She has moved in 2019 to south west of Cookstown.
After retiring from teaching high school Computer Science in June of 2001, Donna started painting precise watercolour botanicals, progressed to bird subjects and farm life. She loved painting her own animals plus those of farming friends. For the most part she prefers animal “portraits”, close up head shots. As of 2013, Donna has converted to oil painting, a medium she loves.
Donna is a member of Kaleidoscope, a group of six York Region friends. She was previously the Treasurer of the Schomberg Horticultural Society for six years and the Treasurer of Botanical Artists of Canada for four years.
In 2017 she was represented in the prestigious Next2 at the Arts & Letters Club on Elm St in Toronto. 2014 and 2015 Donna showed in the “McMichael Autumn Art Show” in Kleinburg and in many “Studio Tour King” and “Schomberg Street Gallery” shows.
Donna is represented by Ethel Curry Gallery in Haliburton, Ontario and Eclipse Art Gallery at Deerhurst Resort in Huntsville.

Best In Show
Susan Walker-Ing
Susan Walker-Ing has painted since she was a young child. Using art as a solace during lengthy hospital stays as a child, she has always know she wanted a career in art.
Susan graduated honours in Art History at York University, concluding her art history degree with an Italian Art and Architecture course in Florence, Italy.
This inspiration set the stage for many return excursions to Italy, Spain, France, Greece and a true love of the challenge of plein air painting.
Formerly employed as a clerk and then an Assistant Registrar at McMichael Collection. Susan can be seen painting locally and all over Canada.
Exhibiting her work has won her numerous awards in watercolor, oils, acrylics and pencil categories.
Former founder and President of “Aurora’s Creative Connection, A centre for the arts”, an artist run cooperative earned her the Johnson’s Cultural Achievement award for her contributions to the arts in York Region.
Susan has taught art in a variety of mediums to young and young at heart for over 40 years.
Choosen for “Portait of Artists” series by Roger’s this program is available if you search Susan Walker-Ing’s name you may view her painting plein air, samples of her work and her interview.
Susan captures the essence and spirit of the land that gives the viewer a chance to connect to nature and experience its serenity and its drama.
Runners Up

Mary Morganelli
Mary began her journey as a Canadian artist when she landed in Toronto from her hometown in Ceprano, Italy at age six. As a child immigrant in a strange place vastly different from the small village she’d left behind, Mary struggled to adjust to the culture and language of her new home.
At school, she found it difficult to communicate with her teacher and other students at first. With determination, dedication and the relentless ability to overcome obstacles and keep a positive attitude, Mary quickly became fluent with English and flourished as a student.
Mary’s love and passion for mixed media arts surfaced in high school where she nurtured and developed her artistic expression through classes and private lessons. Marriage to her high school sweetheart and motherhood had her refocus her energies and attentions to raise her young family for a number of years.
That same passion and indomitable spirit prevailed in her artwork when she refreshed her skills in 2010 and committed to expanding her portfolio. Since then, Mary has immersed herself in private lessons, honing her skills and techniques, producing numerous paintings on a variety of subjects and experimenting with various mediums – a collection she shares through her dedicated website, Mariellart Gallery.
Mary’s portfolio currently includes detailed portraits, beautiful landscapes and flowers, animals, birds, still life, children and more. Often the work of Mary’s hands comes from an outpouring of her heart onto canvas. The storms of life are reflected in her work with a determination to make something beautiful from devastating loss – evident following the passing of her 3 year old child to a dreadful disease.
Capturing the hearts and imaginations of her dedicated clientele and those who’ve commissioned her work, Mary has earned countless accolades from other artists. She’s has been featured in newspapers and magazine articles for her Alzheimer painting, “Forget Not,” created from the sorrow of witnessing her father suffer with the disease. The Alzheimer Society has used this inspirational piece to bring awareness to the debilitating disease.
Mary seeks to tell a story with her paintings, offering glimpses of peace, serenity, relaxation, inspiration, life purpose and deeper meaning with many of her pieces. Others are just done for fun and to further master her skills as an mixed media artist.
Mary won her first award at the 57th Aurora Art Show in May of 2019 and was honoured to be presented with first prize in the Acrylic category by the Mayor of Aurora.
Mary’s ultimate desire is for her creative gift to touch lives, bring light and joy, a smile to your face and beauty to your eyes.
Visit Mary’s virtual gallery and find something special in acrylic, oil, watercolour, charcoal, pastel or ink for yourself, your home or office or as a gift that will be treasured for generations. Be sure to send her a message and let her know how her art affects you. She’d love to hear from you.

Evangeline Munns
I am an experienced artist who has participated in many solo and group art shows, art galleries and have won awards frequently. I have taught painting workshops for several art organizations in Ontario. My work has been illustrated in several art magazines and appeared on the covers of 2 of them.
Beverley Richardson
Beverley Richardson has been living and painting in King Township for many years. Her plein air and studio work can be found in private collections, and a few publications. Beverley has painted in various locations in the southwest USA, has shown and painted at her summer home by Lake of the Woods, ON, and Toronto. She has also painted various locations across Canada. In recent years, Beverley has shown with Huit en Plein Air, a group of artists organized by Chinkok Tan, former painting instructor at OCAD for 40 years, who invited her to show with his group after she joined them on a trip to paint in Grand Manan, New Brunswick (2018), and Renews, Newfoundland (2019). Beverley works outdoors in water colour, acrylic or oil.

Alessandra Salvalaggio
I am new in painting. This is something that I do for passion and because I am eager to always learn something new, I want to take new challenges.

Catharine Somerville
Catharine Somerville was born in Toronto and works both in the UK and Canada.
Her work is a visual experience concerned with the observed world in arrays of light and colour.
After completing her diploma at Georgian College On Catharine went on to study printmaking at York University and later realized a BA Arts and Humanities (Art History) at the Open University. In 2009 she completed her postgraduate studies at West Dean College /University of Sussex, UK
Major awards include “Iceberg” presented to The Gryphon Theatre Co, ON, The Chairman’s Prize, West Dean College/University of Sussex, UK and Best Architectural Feature, Arts Society King, ON.
After setting up her atelier in 1992 at Herring broom Studio in Duncton West Sussex , Catharine held lectures, exhibitions and inspired other artists to make work by teaching and mentoring, She continues to participate through Artist in Residence and Professional Development programs internationally.
Somerville is a recognized artist and her work can be found internationally in public, private and corporate collections in Mexico, the U.S.A, Canada and England including the Edward James Foundation, West Sussex and Las Pozas, Xilitla, YMCA Irma Brydson Place, Toronto, Kanata Research Park Corp., Ottawa, the Thomson Reuters Headquarters, Toronto and the Donald Wilson Neuro Rehabilitation Centre Chichester, West Sussex. Catharine regularly donates a painting to the Katie’s Lymphoedema fund yearly auction in London, UK.
Partial Gallery, Happy Dream Art. Gallery 1313, Jordan Art Gallery, Colborne Street Gallery, The Elmwood Spa.
Cheryl Uhrig
Cheryl Uhrig is an illustrator, painter and cartoonist. Her work appears in published magazines, children’s books and local galleries.

Lynn wilson
Lynn lives and paints in her home studio, located in King City, on large size canvas, wood cradle panels, Yupo, papers, wood, cardboard and in journals.
Her style of painting, in florals, abstracts and streetscapes, are described as contemporary, strong, bold and colorful incorporating a mix of medias including acrylic, metallics, inks (and calligraphy), graphite, charcoal, oil pastels, water soluble oils and hand painting on silk.
In the Fall of 2017 Lynn enrolled in an online e-course in Altered Book Journaling that opened up a whole new realm of creative inspiration! Her journal pieces incorporate all of the mediums Lynn uses on canvas and will also provide inspiration to transform ideas on to large canvas.
Having shown her work in many juried art shows, live art events and Studio Tours since 2002, Lynn now teaches both live and online art classes and is an active participating member of Arts Society King, SOYRA -Society of York Region Artists and the Newmarket Group of Artists.
View her work at or on Instagram at lynnski777
Cindy Vroom
I currently identify as a pastel painter with emerging skills
Educated from Ontario College of Art through the sculpture department. I have dabbled in many media but identified with my job more than my calling until recently, feeling the need for more.
Thank you to this year’s sponsor Joe Saraceni of Re/Max Realty for sponsoring this event.