Arts Society King is pleased to present
its third annual
Autumn Reflections En Plein Air,
The Competition
With Adjudication and Commentary by
Andrew Cheddie Sookra
McMichael Gallery, Featured on Landscape Artist of the year
Prizes in Seven Categories:
Best in Show – $400
Best Natural Feature – $150
Best Architectural Feature – $150
Best Human Interest – $150
Most Daring – $150
Best Artist Under 18 – $150
Honourable Mentions X3 – $100
You are invited to submit new work produced outdoors on site at any King Township location between September 24 and October 15. Awards Day will be held on October 15th at the King Heritage & Cultural Centre, 2920 King Road, King City, Ontario.
October 15th Important Times
1:00 pm Artist arrival and set up
1:30 pm Public arrival and mixer
2:30 pm Adjudication and Awards
4:00 pm Wrap up
- All entries must be new work produced after the contest opens on September 24th and completed by the closing date of October 15th, 2022.
- All artwork must be produced outdoors and on site in any King Township location (but may be completed in studio).
- The artist must be present for adjudication and awards event with their artwork on display (BYO easel).
- Provincial Covid protocol must be followed.
- Awards location may change according to protocol availability.
- Artists are encouraged to bring their promotional hand-outs for the Awards event. Artwork will be judged on its own merit (Bio will not be available to the judge during adjudications, and is intended for audience interest only).
- Open to all artists. ASK artists: $28.25 entry fee. Other artists: $39.55
Participating Artists & Winners

Honorable Mention #3
Oksana Baczynsky
Oksana hopes her art offers others the same spiritual peace that fulfils her own soul in this harsh world. The majesty of Canadian landscape nourishes great love, awe and inspiration. Watercolour provides the luminosity and ethereal quality to capture the mood of a scene, the essence of a flower, or the mystery of a figure for her. Acrylics serve best for rugged Canadian landscapes.

Honorable Mention #2
Teodorico Asuncion
The artist’s colourful and expressive acrylics depict contemporary life and urban landscape in techniques influenced by impressionism, cubism and fauvism. His degrees in Architecture and Drafting Technology were earned in his native Philippines. When he and his young family moved to Canada, he combed through libraries and pursued on-line art studies in the continuing quest to develop his own style.

Honorable Mention #1
Linda Kalianteris
When this commissioned portrait painter fell in love with plein air painting, her quest for ideals of light and colour in engaging brushwork intended to draw the viewer into the story in her art. Awarded in our 2020 contest, Linda is back to charm us again.

Best Human Interest
Grace Downer
This avid plein air and studio artist enjoys creating landscapes, cityscapes and the occasional figurative painting. She recently founded a collective called “East Toronto Plein Air Group” that meets weekly in various locations in that part of the city. Visit the artist on Facebook @ “Grace Downer Studio”

Most Daring
Pamela Dey
What began as a hobby and a healing meditative self immersion for the self-taught Indian born artist became a full-time activity following a career in Science and Research. Oils and acrylics allow her the freedom to push colours with expressive brushstrokes. Outdoors in Ontario is where she can be found applying her love of impressionism to landscape and portrait that are guided by her love of Art History and the Great Masters.

Best Architectural Feature
Antonio Afable

Best Natural Feature
Joe Trimmeliti
Awarded in the 2021 contest for his charming naïf pastoral scene, the artist is a graphic designer who has recently rekindled his love of painting and whose inspiration is nature with its many textures and colours. He lives in King City with his family.

Best In Show
Caterina Liberatore
My artistic background varies from graphic design to fine arts. I enjoy working from the model to studies of the natural and urban environments. I make works of art that capture my surroundings in colourful approaches that can be abstracted.
Runners Up

Frank Cuzet
Frank has painted his world since boyhood. His art shows his reverence for nature and his style reflects changing trends of painting from realism and impressionism to abstraction. Self-taught, the artist also attended Seneca College and George Vanier in Toronto and has exhibited in numerous shows, including solos in Metro Toronto to date. The retired Toronto Police officer can devote himself to creating artworks in his distinctly Canadian in style.

Ida DeMaria
Sensory overload is how the artist describes the transfer of ideas onto canvas. To feel, touch, smell, see and morph into the art. Images echo ideas and a drive to create, study, reflect and execute the art. When white canvas and even brown Masonite proved limiting, this intrepid explorer sought out surfaces like rocks, distressed wood, metal, then natural fibres for wearable art.

Patricia Earl
On canvas and on paper, I paint to convey the light, colour and mood of what I see and feel around me as Mother Nature so generously provides. I don’t have to travel far to find subjects that inspire me. The gently rolling hills, farmlands and wildflowers that I love to paint are found in abundance in the King countryside and surrounding townships on the hiking trails, and in my own backyard. Painting Plein Air is not easy for me and I am enjoying the challenge!

Donna Greenstein
The artist’s love of rural life and all its living beings shines from her realistic oils alive with animals and birds in evocative and familiar landscapes. Her work has featured in major galleries and shows. ABOUT | donnagreenstein

Mary Morganelli
Unafraid to explore with different mediums and styles whether finding inspiration from a beautiful scene or from personal hardships, the artist seeks to capture an image or feeling and translate it into a painting that lives on past the moment. Ever on the search for new insights, her mission is also to spark the imaginations of her viewers.

Evangeline Munns
Evangeline strives to bring a unique approach and to capture a feeling of passion for whatever she is painting.

Alessandra Salvalaggio
I paint to free my mind in other places. The ones on canvas. I love seeing colors and the shapes together. I like the compositions and the fact that time is needed if you want to create. I am still learning but as with all the passions, it is matter of practice and dedication.

Susan Walker-Ing
During her lengthy hospital stays as a young child, Susan found solace in the art that became her avocation. The York U alumnus did her post-grad degree in Italy. The experience led her to paint en plein air around Europe then back to Canada to capture the essence and the spirit of the land. Much exhibited and awarded for her art in diverse mediums, the artist has founded and led various arts organizations. Visit Youtube to hear her speak.