Base your story on one of the following prompts:
‘The girls played a bad trick on Lawrence last night.’
From the personal journal of Emily (Millie) Beynon, December 22, 1881
‘I have not altogether recovered from the effects of what transpired last Tuesday evening but then I suppose there’s no help for me.’
From the personal journal of Tom Beynon, June 12, 1875
‘I have started writing you too (two) or three times and something always prevented me.’
Letter from Merelda Campbell to May, on May 3, 1917.
‘I mean what I say and I hope you will pay no attention to what parties are saying about me as I never said anything of what they say.’
Letter from Joseph Hollingshead to unknown person, May 3, 1869.
‘We have had no rain and it was 110 or 15 in the shade, nothing can stand that heat – no grass, no feed, in site, nothing but drought so please right (write) and let me know what to do.’
Letter from Walter to his sister, July 22, 1933
The Contest Rules:
Writers may compose letters (epistolary writing) in response to the prompts, or write formal prose, or a combination of both, or journal entries. Creative fiction only, no essays, no footnotes. Prized stories are rewarded for focus on the chosen prompt, have a catchy beginning, a strong plot with compelling characters who face challenges and conflicts, and are written in a unique voice and viewpoint. Elements of style count: correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. All stories are eligible for publication in the anthology, space permitting. (Judges decisions will be announced mid-June).
Questions? Dorita Peer, Editor doritapeer@bell.net
- Contest opens to entries March 31 and must be received by May 31st midnight
- Entries welcome from residents of King, Peel or Simcoe Regions.
- No entry fee required. A short critique is available for $20 if desired.
- All original work only. AI stories will be disqualified
- Word Count: Max 1,500
- Submission Format: WORD or PDF (editable for proofing for the anthology).
- Font: Times New Roman 12
- Double-spaced and aligned left.
- Stories must have:
- The Prompt # and the Title of the story on each page.
- The writer’s name may not appear on any page.
- Pages numbered at the top. Example: Page 1 of 3, Page 2 of 3, etc
Submit Your Entry Here
Completed PDF entry forms may be emailed with your story attached to doritapeer@bell.net