Timeless Tales IV: The Haunts Writing Contest

Winners and Honourable Mentions are invited to feature at an author’s live reading evening, or may assign someone to read for them during Tale Teller’s Night at Laskay Hall on Thursday, September 19 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

Winning entries in each category will be awarded a $50 Indigo gift card, a Heritage Book and a copy of Timeless Tales: The Haunts Anthology.

Contest Winners

Category: Grades 1 to 4

“Rose of Eaton Hall” by Abigail Chase

Honourable mention to “The Tale of Christopher Brewer” by Grace Oxner

Category: Grades 5 to 8

“Gone Like a Ghost” by Lydia Chai

Honourable mention to “22nd of August” by Elise Li

Category: Grades 9 – 12

“The Widow’s Vigil” by Eva Graf

Honourable mention to “Moving Inn” by Kiera McCue

Honourable mention to “Secrets of Eaton Hall” by Aroush Bilal

Category: Age 18 to 101

“The Girl in Red” by Shelby Molyneaux

Honourable Mention to “Waiting” by Kay Carbe

Honourable Mention to “Dead Wrong” by Christine Paige